Must Sees
Motonori Inagaki: phase @ Gallery Nomart (~Mar.13)
Nomart, one of the great contemporary art galleries in Osaka, present in the art scene, active, and not just that, but really making sure that they deliver the very best of art to the public. The Gallery itself, just constructed last year, is a wonderful space. And Motonori Inagaki! Wonderful photography. Superb Tableau. Active since 2000, with a serious list of solo and group exhibitions. 一石二鳥だ (kill two birds with one stone)!
Other Recommends
Simon Everington - Innermost Visions @ Kaede Gallery (Mar.30~Apr.4)
Self-Taught Artists@ YOD Gallery (~Mar.20)
Book Exhibition @ Port Gallery T (Mar.15~27)
Gen Aishu @ CASO (Mar.2~14) Cool minimalistic stuff
Sabro Ota: The Age of the Child @ Artcourt Gallery (Mar.19~)
Graphic West 2 "Kanjiru Hako Exhibition" @ ddd Gallery (~Mar.13) Get in there if you need a bit 'o graphic Design
Shingo Takei @ Nardar (~Mar.16~21)
風土、働く人々への賛歌 長尾 和 展 −新収蔵作品を中心に−@ Kobe Artists Museum (~Mar.30)
Keep an eye on these information sites:
Bianca Beuttel
"design inspirations from Kyoto" as it pops up in the header. I met Bianca at a Gallery Opening at the Third Gallery Aya late Jan, and we traded b/cards. She's tracking whats happening in Kyoto very well, much better than I am with what's happening in Osaka. If you're not sure what to do when you're there, check it out!
"News, reviews and features covering Japanese contemporary art", and being Serious about the art they cover, they've got a number of great Galleries in Osaka listed. I reccomend you have a look!

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