In Nakanoshima • 中之島 in Osaka, right next to the National Museum of Art is the Graf Building; cafe, salon, furniture and living showroom and shop, and the graf media gm gallery.
大阪の中之島、国立国際美術館のすぐ近くにはグラフのビル:カフェ、サロン、家具とリビング、そして『graf media gm』ギャラリー。
I've been to Graf a number of times before, but this time I was there for Agathe's workshop (you can see the related article here). The building seems to be a old building that's been transformed into a stylish new place. It's spacious and bright inside with lots of natural light. The windows on the far side of every room present a lovely view of the river as you browse the interior.
僕は何回も行ったことありますが、今回はアガットのワークショップのため行きました(read it here)。グラフのビルは古い建物をベースにして新しくてかっこいい所に変身しました。広々 で明るいで、自然光は多いです。窓から川を見えて、中身をゆっくり見て回れます。
It's a nice spot for a lunch break if you're visiting the museum, and well worth the return visit for events at the salon and exhibitions in graf media gm.
国立国際美術館へ行くつもりでしたら、昼ご飯のおすすめでございます。サロンのイベントとgraf media gmの展覧会にはね、何回も行った方がいいと思っております。勝手に敬語。

As for an overview of the building; the first floor of Graf is the salon area, which can be anything from an exhibition to workshop area, and is constantly changing from one thing to the next. On the second floor is a casual restaurant called Fudo and on the 3rd and 4th floor are Graf's original furniture and living products. The 5th floor is graf media gm; shop, library, information, a mini outdoor garden and exhibition space all in one.
ビルの通覧:グラフサロンは1階でいろんなイベント、展示、ワークショップありまして、次から次から変わっていきます。『Fudo』というレストランは2階にあるで、3階と4階はグラフのオリジナル家具とリビングの商品。graf media gmは5階です:ショップ、ライブラリー、情報、ミニ庭と展示スペース、このことすべて。
The quaint outdoor garden was done by Namaiki, a foreign duo from Tokyo (designers into hard-core gardening). The pink rabbit is the give away, if you've seen their stuff before. Yes, I know that NOVA had a pink rabbit as well, but Namaiki is much more organized.
Inside the exhibition space is a small house constructed in the middle of the room. Works are also displayed inside, and personally I think it helps make the viewers feel a little more at ease browsing. There's more of a natural element. On the right as you enter is a large bookshelf with a mini library to browse (creative related books), and a resource of information on events happening in both Kansai and Tokyo. To the left is a small shop area selling all kinds of creative stuff.
展示スペースの中には小さい家が立ってます。その中にも商品が表示して、僕はこの家がもっと親しい気分を生み出していると思います。自然 な気持ちあります。入ってから右の側に本棚あって、小さなライブラリーがあって、関西と東京にあるイベントなどの情報もあります。左にクリエイティブなものを売るショップがある。

When I was there this time Ai Sasaki, the featuring Artist, was holding an exhibition. I did a bit of research on her, and she's been exhibiting since 2000. I found her pictures to be bright with colours and simple with use of space and composition, not too much, not too little. There were quite a few birds in her pictures as well; perhaps she keeps one as a pet.
今回のとき、佐々木愛は展示をしていた。あとでちょっと検索 をやりまして、彼女は2000年から展示しているみたい。彼女の絵は色で明るくて、スペースの使い方と構図はシンプル。やりすぎでもなく、遠慮しすぎでもない。鳥なん匹もあった:飼っているかなぁ。

Lots of people visit Graf for a number of good reasons, and I'm very very sure that you won't have any problems finding one yourself. And it's right here in Kansai, smack bang creative central!

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