Glan Fabrique, Ibaraki • グランファブリック、茨木市

If you're ever in Ibaraki city in Osaka, you should drop by Glan Fabrique. It's a short walk from JR Ibaraki station, but you can also get there from Hankyu without any problems.


It's a lovely renovated old house, and a lot of the framework in the original building hasn't been touched. It still has creaky floors and stuff! There's a studio upstairs called Design Works who run and probably own the place, with Cafe Moka and La Galerie (a gallery space), on the 1st floor. The reason I went to Glan Fabrique was actually to check out the gallery. One of the featuring artists had exhibited at Itohen previously, so I picked up a flier from there. Keep your eyes peeled for gallery fliers, they're one of the only ways to find out what's going on where.

すてきな改装されたお家、元の下部構造は変わってない。キーキーいう床もあるで!上の「Design Works」と呼ぶスタジオは経営をして、1階には「Cafe Moka」 と 「La Galerie」のギャラリースペースあります。ギャラリーを調べるために行きました。そこの特徴画家さんはいとへんで先展示をして、フライヤーをもらいました。ギャラリーフライヤーは目を皿のようにして探してね、「何」と「何処」を調べるためにフライヤーしかないんだ。

Gardens surround the premises, giving the place and inviting feel. To one side of the building there is a stone garden, and there is also a very Japanese garden out the back. The gallery has a window facing the garden out the back, so there's lots of natural light. I wasn't allowed to take pictures, but you get that sometimes; it's normal.


Nice place to visit for those who live between Osaka and Kyoto!


yoshiko said...

Hi! I'm Yoshiko, I met you&your wife last weekend in the little restaurant in Taisho. Thank you for the lovely night.I'm looking forward to reading your blog!

Duncan said...

Thank you for visiting the blog Yoshiko! I have a pile of things to blog about, but I'll get around to Toshi's restaurant eventually!